Is Stress the Cause of Your Diabetes? By Dr V Mohan, Chairman, and Chief Diabetologist
Whenever we think of the causes of diabetes, we usually think of heriditory factors (family history), overeating or lack of exercise leading to obesity as the most common causes. While this is true, we often tend to forget an important cause of diabetes – stress. Stress is defined as “a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes physical or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation”. Several diseases can be caused or worsened by stress and diabetes is also one of the important ones. How does stress affect the blood sugar levels? The blood sugar levels are controlled mainly by two groups of hormones. The first group of hormones reduces blood sugar but insulin is the only member of this group. The second group called counter-regulatory hormones, opposes the action of insulin and increases the blood sugars. There are several of these hormones and the list includes cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, glucagon and growth hormone. Stress tends to incr...