Diabetes - Symptoms and Warning signs in Men and Women
Diabetes and its types. Diabetes isn't just one disease. There are three types of diabetes commonly occurring both in male and female: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Apart from Type-1 and gestational diabetes, Type-2 Diabetes has affected more people in general. Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body doesn't use insulin properly and unable to keep your blood sugar at a stable level. Moreover, Type 1 is less in people and it happens when your body stops producing insulin at all; also known to be an autoimmune disease. Gestational diabetes occurs often with pregnant women, when she gave birth to her child, it will go away automatically. But, sometimes it will follow her later as a type 2 diabetes. Difficulties in Finding Diabetes. Unfortunately, many people could not recognize whether they have diabetes or not. When this diabetes is not diagnosed and treated at the right time, it will take you to serious health issues. Before theses...